Water Filter Tips

Which Water Filter Cartridges are the Best?

The Essential Guide To Water Filter Cartridges

Water Filter CartridgesIn the world of water filter cartridges, there are many different brands and types of cartridges. Some are better than others, and some are more expensive than others. It can be difficult to figure out which ones are the best or find a filter that is just right for your needs.

Let’s look at some of the common questions regarding water filter cartridges and how to determine what is best for you.

Why do I need water filter cartridges?

Drinking water is one of the most important things we do every day to stay healthy and hydrated. But unfortunately, not all drinking water sources are safe to drink from, and even those that are might have a funny taste or smell to them. This is where a water filter comes in handy! A water filter will help you eliminate any unwanted particles or chemicals that may be present in your drinking supply.

There are many different water filter cartridges out there, so it can be hard to know which one you should use. There are two main types – carbon filters and reverse osmosis filters – but there are also many ways to filter the water from under the sink filtration systems to water filter jugs. Which is best for you will be determined by how you want your water filtered and what contaminants you might have.

How do Water Filter Cartridges Work to improve the quality of water?

Water filter cartridges are used to purify water by removing contaminants. These contaminants can be bacteria and other micro-organisms, heavy metals, and chemicals. Most city water will already have bacteria and micro-organisms filtered out. This water will be considered safe for drinking but may still have contaminants in the water that cause foul odor or taste.

With almost all water filtration systems, the water filtration cartridges will need to be replaced from time to time. The length of time the cartridge can be used will be determined by:

  • What contaminants are being filtered?
  • The amount of water being filtered.
  • The type of water filtration used.

How to use Water Filter Cartridges

The most common type of water filter cartridge is the activated carbon filter. This type of filter removes chlorine, chemical contaminants, and other organic pollutants. Activated carbon filters can be either granular or powdered.

Installing a water filter cartridge typically begins with removing the old one. Then insert the new one into its place. Next, you will need to turn off your faucet to avoid any leaks. Finally, you will need to turn on the faucet again. Slowly add water until it starts flowing through the system to ensure that it is working without leaks. Doing this when you have time and are not rushed will make things go much smoother.

How to find a water filter cartridge that is compatible with your water pitcher?

Type-of-Water-filtersThe best way to find a compatible water filter cartridge is by looking for the type of water filter that your water pitcher uses. The two most common types of filters: are carbon and reverse osmosis.

Carbon filters are usually more affordable and can be found at most supermarkets or hardware stores.

Reverse osmosis filters are the most expensive type of filter. But they also remove the most contaminants from your drinking water.

Always ensure that you are using the right water filtration cartridges that are the best for your type of water pitcher.